Friday, April 30, 2010

Miraculous Healing

What exactly constitutes a miracle?

I went to the podiatrist yesterday and had a cortisone injection in my heel. I have been suffering with heel pain due to plantar fasciitis for months now. It is debilitating and makes me feel like an old woman. I guess it's due to a combination of factors: I was a runner back in the day, and probably didn't wear the right shoes; I wear flip flops all summer, which are bad, bad, bad for you (apparently); and my new-ish house has hard stone floors. All that added up equals the problem that I am dealing with now. And with this upcoming trip to Haiti, I didn't want to be in constant pain, knowing that I would have to be on my feet so much.

I had a cortisone injection once before that worked wonders, and I knew if I had another, I'd be feeling fine. But there are limits on how many and how often you can have them, so I was patiently waiting. In the meantime, I was asking for prayer and believing for a miraculous touch from God.

But, truthfully, I was looking forward to my appointment yesterday with the doctor, because I KNEW that would solve the problem. So, my question became, "does this negate the faith required for a miracle?" Does 'trusting' in medicine mean that I am not trusting in God to heal me?

On my way home, I started to ponder these things, and I came to this conclusion: when the scientist discovered that cortisone relieves inflammation, it was probably considered a miraculous discovery, right? Who gave that scientist the idea to try it? Who gave that scientist the creative mind to look into cortisone? Who directed the steps of the botanist or biologist to find the raw materials to develop into cortisone? Who gave the doctors, professors, and other professionals the genius minds they have in the first place to be able to learn? ALL of these things are miracles!

And I get to be the beneficiary of this miraculous power, as do many others. We would be fools, truly, if we did not tap into the miracles that God has given all around us to take advantage of in the 21st century.

It is further miraculous that I was born in this nation, in this century, in the family I was, with the advantages I enjoy, with the ability to earn an that I could even get to the doctor to enjoy the benefits of God's miraculous working in my life.

So yes, I did experience a miracle healing yesterday! That cortisone injection was just as much a miracle as if I had felt the relief of pain at the altar in my church as someone prayed for me.

Now, let's go to Haiti and RUN around those hills with those children!

Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

  1. So true, Kellee. I loved this. We're praying for you and your trip. You are a hero of the faith!!!or should I say heroine? Love you.
